Summer Session News
The only source for what's happening
July 26, 1999

Editors for this issue:

Eric Hinesley
Hank Birdsong
Brian McGuire
Fran Jackson

Pictures from last week


Jordan Wolpert working with craft 
sticks during Arts & Crafts 

Counselor Jim Garrison instructs 
Jamie King and Andy Kohl.

Brandon Rich watching Corey Manson 
practice his roll

Jack Perkins preparing his 
harness for climbing

Matt Baker and Jillian Swain

Sam Fagelson, Matt Baker, 
Zeke Jordan, and David Johnson
after "face painting day"

Aaron Johnston, Colin Thompson, Mason Land,Tyler Soren,
and Ian Herbert with Counselors Katie Crawford and 
Anahita Modaresi after a tri-swim 
(a swim around the perimeter of the lake)

Justin Uchtman, Jack Clements &
counselor Ellen Willson with
"Whacky Hair"

Hike to duPont State Forest
Campers- Ian Herbert, Weston Moyer, 
Will Moore, Anthony Dennis, David 
Johnson, Eli Leventhal, Reid Sandler, 
Wilson Tindall, Matt Baker, Matthew 
Neimkin, Ramsay Stevens, Jack
Perkins, Mark Birdsong and Carter Rogers.
Staff- Dan Noland, Mike Williams, 
Brian McGuire and Craig Hay

Hike to duPont State Forest
Campers- Preston Campbell, Will Oehmig, 
Colin Thompson, Andrew Frame, Kenny Keane, 
Coreu Manson, Cooper Kaminer, Sam Ransom,
Landon Brown, Jordan Wolpert, Addie Maupin, 
Fritz Freudenberger, Josh Hill.
Staff- Travis Herbert, Jim Warren, Leland Grant,
Jamie Stead

CT's Leland Grant and Jim Warren 
show the way on the new camp trail 
that links to duPont State Forest

CT's Craig Hay and Brian Mcguire lead 
a hike on the new trail which they cleared

Andrew Devlin practicing on the lake in a C-1

Elizabeth "Zoob" Griffith and Clay Griffith
represent twelve continuous years on the 
High Rocks staff, Clay for five years and
Zoob for the past seven.