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Pictures from the summer of 1998
Three Week June Session

'98 Three Week Session | '98 Four Week Session | '98 Two Week Session
First Yosemite Trip | Second Yosemite Trip

These pictures were taken
during our three week
June session in 1998.

Henry White, Billy Brengle, Jack Hinson, 
Jack Perkins, and Michael Havenick crowd 
around Eric Hinesley (Counselor with hat).

Not your average color pattern for a horse!  
Don't worry- they are tempera paints 
that wash right off.

Darin Welch giving a Kayak 
roll lesson

Sliding rock is always a favorite event

The egg toss event during the "High Rocks Olympics"

The Canoe fill-ups are an ever 
popular evening activity

Two-day hike at John's Rock
Contact Camp High Rocks Activities