TGIF at Camp!!!

As we close out the first week of the session, this morning was a gray, drizzly affair. I don’t know about you, but anytime the first sound I hear in the morning is rainfall, I’m never in a hurry to get out of bed.

That seemed to be the prevailing mood around camp at the wake-up bell. Typically the ringing of the bell is answered by cabin buildings shouting a “Good Morning!” at the ringers and just about everyone else in auditory range. There was a noticeable lack of noise post-bell which continued right up to the second ringing to indicate breakfast was ready.

As you can imagine, the call for hot and available food is always answered with gusto here at High Rocks. The quiet morning rapidly transformed into the usual dining hall buzz of activity as eggs, sausage, fruit, bagels, cereal, and sinful grits were all consumed with enthusiasm.

Assembly and activities were next up on the docket and the weather cooperated by drying up and staying cool. Not missing a beat after a restful morning, camp got to it. Guys were quickly out on bikes, painting horses before bathing them, in boats, working clay, and shooting from a wide variety of ranges in archery. Crafts was making sock puppets and hikers were out on the property enjoying a temperate rainforest just after a good rain. Lots of salamanders and mushrooms to catch the eye.

This morning was also our second round of COVID testing for those who needed it. With a cold popsicle ready right afterward, the process was quite smooth and we will hear word tomorrow! That hiccup in the daily routine was not enough to throw anyone off their game, with hikers simply leaving from the testing site and other activities pausing just long enough before jumping right back into the lesson.

The flow of camp is noticeably more confident now in the fourth full day of the schedule. With older 4 Week campers leading the charge, the ability of cabin groups to be on time, to have what they need, to facilitate faster meals even, has made a wonderful impact on the camp experience for everyone. Our youngest campers always learn the pro moves of camp by watching their camper elders and this group is doing a great job of modeling the High Rocks way for them. From offering help in the dining hall cleanup procedures to diving into activity offerings, the stage is being set for a great session.

Tonight looks to be a dry one and is cooling off nicely. Our last two cabins, Flattop and Foxhollow, are heading out for their overnights tonight. The chilly evening should make the games around the campfire feel wonderful before a night in a warm sleeping bag. Both buildings were quite busy/noisy throughout rest hour as they accomplished the packing. The excitement level is high, along with the typical nervous anticipation of spending a night out in the woods! The rest of camp will be enjoying a hearty lasagna dinner. Then off to evening activities by cabin group before a final snack and back for the call to quarters time preparing for bed. Even after the slow morning start, these guys are going to ready to crash out after the busy and full camp day they’ve just enjoyed!

Woody Noland

Today’s Pictures