Nearby Overnight Accommodations

Overnight accommodations in the vicinity include the establishments listed below. There is a lot of local information available at Other possibilities include hotels in Greenville, SC, Asheville, NC, and Hendersonville, NC. Each city is about a one-hour drive from camp. We suggest making reservations as early as possible, especially if you plan to be in the area on or around July 4th.

Cedar Mountain (3-5 miles from camp)

Trout House Falls – (704) 691-2131
Deer Ridge Vacation Rentals – (828) 862-8134
Moondance Vacation Rental – (828) 290-9876

Brevard (9 miles from camp)

Hampton Inn – (828) 883-4800
Holiday Inn Express – (888) 465-4329
The Sunset Motel – (828) 884-9106
Comfort Inn & Suites – (828) 862-8900
Pilot Cove – (866) 758-2683

Other Locations

Etowah Valley Country Club and Golf Lodge (15 mi.) – (828) 891-7022
Greystone Inn (25mi.) in Lake Toxaway – (828) 966-4700
High Hampton (30 mi.) in Cashiers – (800) 648-4252
Pisgah Inn (30 mi) on the Blue Ridge Parkway – (828) 235-8228
Asheville Area Hilton Hotels – 1-800-Hampton

While we know a lot about some of these place, they have their own personal appeal that may differ greatly from one to the other.  Please check the website of the establishment to see if it meets your needs.