Upper Senior Challenge Sunday

Our Sunday started out beautiful and stayed beautiful all day!  We enjoyed near-perfect temperatures with a wonderful breeze.  It was even a little cool this morning.

After a wonderful breakfast of scratch-made cinnamon rolls, we headed down to the lakeside for our morning service.  I lead the group with some discussion on Focus, practice, and learning a new skill paired with a few Shel Silverstein poems in between.

The rest of the morning the boys enjoyed a number of choice events that matched perfectly on the wonderful summer day. 

The big event for the day was the Upper Senior Challenge. After starting way back in the summer of 2004, this year is the 18th (we skipped 2020) running of the Upper Senior Challenge.   We only run it during the two longer sessions.  It is always a challenge and a great time.  Again, the weather was great for the event as they ran around High Rocks challenging themselves with teamwork, camp activities, and focus.  It is not an easy event.  Even the activities level the playing field from the more athletic to the less athletic. The boys will receive the results on Wednesday during their steak dinner.

After a good shower hour, we had a wonderful cookout on the lawn followed by our weekly campfire.  After the music, Sumner told a great story, and then we gave out our 5-year backpacks to all those campers who have reached the milestone.

It sure was a great day!  We have a busy four days left! Stay tuned!


Today’s Pictures