It’s All Good!

I love our theme days at camp.  If you didn’t notice, yesterday was tie-dye Tuesday (turns out it was Taco Tuesday as well). Today was Waikiki Wednesday.  We don our favorite Hawaiian-themed shirts.  There were some good examples out there today.  I enjoyed that our Aide cabin (our oldest campers) went “all-in” with the theme day and also brought some grass skirts as an addition.  I like when those boys up the hill are out in front showing the way. It always makes me feel good.  One of the fun ideas the age group directors did was also come up with some age group names.  Each name is shouted out typically as a means of getting their attention or announcing a detail for the age group.  The campers come back with some sort of roaring chant as a response.  The Shark Bait group is an easy example.  If you ever watch Finding Nemo you might already have the response ringing in your head (probably just the guys).  Anyhow, here are the names they came up with for the session.  You will have to remember to ask your son what the reply is when he comes home.

Age group names

Age group 1: The Bucket Heads

Age Group 2: The Chad Trolls

Age Group 3: Shark Bait

Age Group 4: Soggy Doggy

Age Group 5: The Darbys

As I walked around camp today, I enjoyed seeing all the learning happening. By design, these boys choose their own activities. They choose the path and how to walk it. Of course, there is guidance and some discussion from a mentor on opinions about how best to succeed. Ultimately, it is up to the individual about where to go next. Will they stumble along the way? I hope so… It sure helps them figure out what works. More importantly, he learns what may not work.

Child development is a crazy thing. It’s not a perfect science, but it definitely has its merit. Boys of a certain age do many of the same things their predecessors did at nearly the same age. The process regarding the way we learn is very similar as well. I watched this happen today. A beginner mountain biker will typically look down at his feet or the ground in front of him as he is beginning to figure out how this whole biking adventure is going to work. He’s a little nervous and stiff, focused on the very thing in front of them. As the instructors give them some consistent reminders, they finally begin to keep their eyes up. Finally, the body can anticipate what is coming. The biker peddles faster, and the body relaxes. The whole process just becomes more fluid. It all comes together. Just another fine bonus of summer at High Rocks. No grades. Not stuck in our seats forced to sit still. And, learning a ton without even knowing it.

Time for a food break!

Breakfast: Scrambled eggs, smoked sausage, grits, cut fruit, and assorted cereals

Lunch: Fried chicken sandwiches with all the Fixin’s, tater tots, salad bar, and

Dinner: Chicken alfredo, grilled veggies, garlic toast, salad bar, and Rice Krispie treats.

We had our third group of overnights heading out tonight.  The boys of Foxhollow, Flattop, and Connestee took to the trail this evening for some fun times of pita pizzas, s’mores, and general fun around the campfire.

Just another fun-filled day at High Rocks.  I hope you enjoy the pictures!


Today’s Pictures