Good Times

First, let me apologize for the lack of pictures last night. An error stopped the upload process and since things were moving so smoothly, I had forgotten to check to be sure all was good. Anyhow, I was finally alerted about the issue and I had them all uploaded by mid-morning. Don’t forget to check them out.

Saturday morning at High Rocks means pancakes and it has for almost 60 years. Certainly, every Saturday I have been here in the summer we have had pancakes. Over the last few years, we have even gone old-school and moved back to the made-from-scratch buttermilk pancakes. In the past, I used to help out with pancakes every Saturday. My skill is lackluster and I feel like they always appreciated me there but since COVID, I haven’t returned to Saturday morning pancakes. I think one of the best opportunities you can take as management is to put yourself back in the shoes of those around you. You remember and appreciate all it takes to do this job you have not done in a while. The kitchen and serving meals for 260-plus people is no small feat. I always remember the fear of running out of food. Boys can eat a lot. Anyhow, these days I just give a huge thanks and appreciation to all of our kitchen crew. It is a huge part of our community.

I like having everyone in camp on Saturday. The boys get a chance to catch back up after trips in so many directions. It is a great day to just be out and about. Again, Saturdays in activities are always a little different and fun.

Hiking enjoyed some car camping days.  Picture a drive-in campground and you probably have the idea.  Lawn games, music, a hillbilly hot tub (pick-up filled with water), and smores around the fire. Add a little music, and it was just nice to be around each other. 

Mountain biking had some trail rides going on along with some great obstacles. The boys are really learning some skills out there. Western North Carolina has really turned into a biking destination. We have so much great mountain biking opportunities that it really attracts folks year-round. The boys have some great mentors down there to teach them the basics and the advanced skills that they can take home and even use on their own. We are very fortunate to have such a great staff.

Fishing enjoyed having our local Bass Master, Jason Karol out to teach the boys today. They always get excited when he is here. Not that the daily staff are not teaching them skills, but some of the boys have grown close to Jason over the years. Some boys were even asking at breakfast if he was coming today. We are glad to have him! He always has a new skill for the guys to learn.

I really enjoyed watching the guys practice capsize drills in sailing today. Like everything at High Rocks, it is important to plan for those unplanned moments when learning a new skill. How to handle adversity while you move outside your comfort zones. The best is all the laughing I saw out there.

You could see some of the guys getting a little tired out there. There is just so much to do every day, the guys get worn out. Tonight is a little more relaxed. Each cabin has their own ‘Pizza Pack-Out” that they can take and eat anywhere in camp. After they turn in all of their trash and recycling, the rest of the evening is a chill session. Tomorrow will be a little later wake-up. I believe even the little Hillside guys are likely to take advantage of it.

I really enjoy the routine that has now built into the community. There is certainly a groove like Woody mentioned last night. The boys are having a blast and we sure do love having them.

Have a great night!


Today’s Pictures