Tie-Dye Tuesday

With another cool morning to kick off our camp day, the weather luck keeps rolling as the bell brought camp alive. Blue skies with very few wispy clouds were overhead and a tasty breakfast awaited the hungry camp horde as it rolled in.

Don and I were commenting today at how natural a place we find the dining hall in full tilt, though it is quite the scene. There is a constant flow of people, food, and noise throughout the meal time. It also serves as an essential nexus of information as questions are answered, trips added onto, plans for evening activities laid, etc. This morning with the bagels, cream cheese, crispy bacon, and scrambled eggs, there was also the opportunity for our communications director, Darby, to teach a table of campers how to build the perfect breakfast sandwich. 

Meal times are the glue of the camp community, and are just plain fun. In short order though, breakfast wrapped up and morning assembly was jamming hard with some Father Abraham to get everyone moving and shaking.

Activities commenced in a rather experienced and relaxed fashion as this second week continues. We have hit that comfortable stride of knowing where everything is located, and being able to judge timing precisely enough to grab an apple on the way to an activity even with a change in the cabin mixed in. 

In ceramics, they are working on slab building with various forts and gingerbread houses taking center stage. Horseback riding is working on consistent trotting this week, with obstacles and patterns mixed in. Sailing is beginning to introduce the concepts racing now that the fundamentals are feeling solid. Fishermen are having to get crafty now that the fish have been eagerly fooled for a bit over a week. The hunt is on as some really big bass have been seen cruising out the depths every now and again. Tennis was loving the cool weather once more as they practiced serving. The cool also felt good in Crafts with today focusing on candle making and all the hot wax fun that entails. Speaking of Crafts, this morning camp was inundated with a riotous display of freshly made tie-dye shirts just in time for the Tuesday namesake. 

Trips were busy with all these guys raring to get out and do the thing. Canoers busted out of camp for the Tuckasegee. Climbers hit Pilot Rock while our bikers enjoyed just about the perfect morning riding in Dupont. A younger crew of hikers made their way over to Panthertown for some serious fun in Schoolhouse Falls, with just enough hiking to get hot beforehand and warm up after. 

This evening saw Age Group 4 grabbing an early dinner before heading out for their turn at Sliding Rock and Dolly’s ice cream. The rest of camp was spread all over the place with canoeing, rope swing/water sliding, games in the gym, and various fields. Somehow this week the campers just get more and more energy, a little increase every day. Snack time was voraciously appreciated and then it was back to cabins to get set for the night.

Please enjoy the pictures from today. May you all have had a fun-as-camp moment in your day too. See you back here tomorrow!

Woody Noland

Today’s Pictures