Goldrush Sunday

Sundays are special here at High Rocks.  We want to be sure the boys have some time for reflection and to change it up a little bit.  Rest is important.  We give the boys an extra thirty minutes to sleep in on Sundays and we also share some important lessons down by the lake. Today was a perfect Sunday morning!

Our first agenda item of the day, however, was laundry. The boys all work together to get their items sorted into three bags, then they are asked to all work together to get those items off to the back side of the dining hall where the laundry is picked up. It’s certainly not something you add to your brochure, but these little steps at camp really help build some independence, accountability, and even empathy. I love watching the guys work together to get these sizable bags off to the pick-up point. In a flash, it’s all back to camp clean, dry, and folded before dinner. Head staff deliver it to the cabins just in time for the 5:00 shower hour.

After breakfast and some assembly, we typically have a little moment down by the lake.  Zoob told a classic story about “The Stonecutter.” she tied it in with one of our cardinal points on the High Rocks Compass, Individual. Focus on the individual is understanding who we are, our strengths, and our weaknesses. It’s about being true to ourselves and appreciating our differences and similarities with others.  It was a great moment… I hope they got some of it…

The rest of the morning was presented with all sorts of choice period activities and events.  Camp looked alive all over the campus with guys playing disc golf, swimming, canoeing, some games of gaga and four square happening, tennis matches, and even some hip hop lessons.  I also enjoyed the guys just relaxing in the chair down by the lake with a book.

After rest hour, the boys were super-excited to play an all-camp game inspired by a few counselors called “Gold Rush.”  Staff had opportunities to dress up as prospectors, bankers, snake oil salesmen, general store merchants, barbers, farmers, saloon owners, and even bandits.  The campers had several different opportunities where they could “find” gold.  They could then cash it in for coins to use at different locations.  We basically created our own little economy as the boys had a blast. 

Our typical Sunday dinner cookout on the lawn was also perfect. I watched the boys eat pounds of all-beef hot dogs and 1/3 lb Angus burgers. Our grill master, Woody did a great job of serving it up right.

After dinner, we all headed up to “Campfire Hill” for our weekly gathering around the fire. We sang some slower songs, listened to a story, talked about the week ahead, and then finished with a thought shared by a counselor. It sure was a great day!

Our Mini I guys only have five days until pick-up! It’s hard to believe it is going that fast!

Have a great night!

-Don Gentle

Today’s Pictures