Boys Camp Skit Night

A Sunday Reflection

A perfect Sunday for our four-week boys to ease into the day and take a breather for a bit. Breakfast kicked off with scratch-made cinnamon rolls! I watched them roll out right on the table, head to the proofer, the oven, and finally the glazing! Super awesome! Of course, it was combined with assorted cereals, scrambled eggs, sausage, oatmeal, and an extended fruit bar with yogurt. A great way to kick off a Sunday.

I like to think about the four-week session as an expedition. We need to pace ourselves. We can’t go all-out for four weeks without some downtime and a moment to rejuvenate. Sundays are perfect for that. After a couple of health checks, we cruised down to the lake, sang some slower songs, and enjoyed the perfect mountain weather. Zoob lead us in our morning by the lake with a focus on empathy and understanding. It’s hard enough for an adult to realize that those around us have a whole lot more going on than we know. It is near impossible for most adolescent boys. Trying to put ourselves in the shoes of our brother is something that all of us struggle with from time to time. She even went on to describe what a good listener is and what that looks like. It appeared that many boys were grasping the concept.

e spent the rest of our morning in choice period or just plain relaxation.  It was great to see some guys enjoy participating in some of the games that the counselors put together.  I even enjoyed seeing our paddling staff go out of their way to help a few boys work through their gates tests that will take them on to kayaking.  Of course, the Gaga pit was busy, and there were a couple of basketball games going on in the gym.  One staff member put together a chess tournament in the dining hall. We had about 24 boys take part in that event.

The afternoon was filled with some fun and crazy lip-sync performances that we call “Air Band!” Each of the cabins practiced a song to lip-sync. Add some wigs, additional costumes, and even fake microphones and you have a pretty fun time. It was a great way for the boys to do something fun and not be going full out on the field. I feel like it was a welcomed event for the day.

After a “shower hour,” the boys enjoyed our weekly cookout on the lawn of wonderfully grilled burgers and dogs. We headed up the hill for our weekly campfire to relax for the evening, sing some songs, and listen to a story. I reminded the boys about the group of Mini II guys coming in tomorrow and how we needed to help them with “The High Rocks Way.”

It is going to be another great week here at High Rocks. I look forward to sharing it with you.

-Don Gentle

Today’s Pictures