Upper Senior Dinner and Cabin Night

What a full day of fun!  We still had boys out on trips in several activities including paddling, climbing, and hiking. Some of the boys today just made it into kayaking, and a number of boys just reached their highest rank, the High Rocks Archer, in archery. We even had our last launch day this morning and squeezed it in just before the rain.

Tonight, most of camp had some choice evening programs that worked well with the weather. They then transitioned to some cabin night discussions and snack that will take them to their highlights and goals later tonight during their cabin meeting. I was privileged enough to host the upper senior age group at the director’s house for the evening.  The upper senior dinner has been a long tradition at High Rocks, but a fairly new one for the June Session. With the help of some awesome staff, we put together a fine steak dinner with sides including corn, salad, and Texas toast. I will say, that we had so much meat that they didn’t finish it all.  We wrapped up the meal with ice cream for dessert.  After the meal, we all enjoyed a little discussion about the Upper Senior Challenge Results. We passed out their Upper Senior Challenge T-Shirts. Finally, we enjoyed some dessert and discussed what their future at High Rocks might look like including opportunities for continuation in the upper senior age group, counselor aides, counselor trainees, assistant counselors, and future staff.  It was a great group to hang out with for a few hours. I look forward to seeing most of them back next summer.

It sure has been an incredible month and a wonderful two weeks with our Mini II guys.  I can’t believe it is wrapping up already.  We will host the horseback riding Drill Team at 10 am, then the final match of the camper-counselor tennis tournament. Tomorrow afternoon we will begin our transition process by getting packed up, then one final all-camp event will take up the whole time after rest hour.  Finally, we will wrap up the session with a campfire, songs, and a story.  There are a few staff receiving their 5-backpacks and 3 buys receiving their 10-year handmade Fritz Orr paddle.  I am so excited about tomorrow.

A friendly reminder… Parents’ Day is on Saturday. Closing Day will run from 9:15 am to 11:15 am. You are welcome to arrive anytime during this window. There are no assigned times for closing day. If previous years are an indication, we expect most parents to arrive before 10:45. If you are running late, give our office a call so we can let your camper know. If you are shipping a trunk and you have not already done so, please fill out this UPS form and email Darby at office@highrocks.com. Trunks will be packed tomorrow and delivered to UPS Saturday afternoon.

I will put up a closing blog and a few color war pictures tomorrow. Safe travels!  I look forward to meeting with all of you about this great session!

Don Gentle

Today’s Pictures