Having a Blast!

It is a true adventure here every day.  Some of the time just getting ready for the day is an adventure.  I enjoyed cruising through the cabins during clean-up time this morning. Many of the young guys are doing their best to just get their clothes on straight, let alone get the bed made and help out with group chores.  What I enjoyed this morning was watching the boys help each other get those top bunks made.  It’s hard enough to get a bottom bunk sorted.  The top bunk is a pretty big challenge.  My favorite is the “make the bed while you are sleeping in it” method.  I feel like I might have done this growing up as well.  I’m sure you have seen it.  Why not, it really appears to make sense.  Lay down and pull up all the covers around you, flatten out the edges and make it pretty, and then try to slide out without disturbing anything.  Again, it works pretty well on the ground level.  It’s a bit more of a challenge when you are on top.  These boys worked through it pretty well.  Don’t let them fool you when they get home.  They can make their bed pretty well.

Speaking of clean-up, Oupost II had to hand Larry over to Sprucepine II this morning. Sprucepine II was not only Cabin of the Day, but they were also most improved! The competition is fierce out there and Larry is waiting for the best. Stay tuned for tomorrow’s results.

We sure had fun in our activities today. the boys had some time shooting rifles and bows. They learned some basics of tennis, had a chance at some lead rides down at the barn, and some boys even had a crack at fishing. this morning, the boys of Outpost spent most of the morning on the High Ropes Course. It was a fun-filled day!

Speaking of activities, Rock Climbing at High Rocks is one of our most popular activities.  Like all of our activities, climbing follows a very purposeful progression. The boys all learn how to put on their harnesses and helmet.  They learn the knots, safety calls, and rules.  Finally, they get right to climbing on our 50-foot tower.  Our tower has six different sides, each with different features and difficulties. While the one-week session does not go beyond the tower, our focus of the program in all of the other sessions is to get them out on the real rock.  We have numerous locations locally right in Pisgah National Forest. We also make use of several other climbing locations within the state and local areas.  During their lessons at the tower, they learn all sorts of techniques and maneuvers to help them get up the tower or rock.

After a full day of activities, the boys also had a choice period the last hour before dinner. The options were tennis, canoe fill-ups, mountain biking, or games in the pavilion. Most all the guys chose canoe fill-ups. It sure was fun watching the guys enjoy some time on the lake! The boys also found themselves “sunken” in the canoe fill-ups game!

After dinner, the big event was End Game, a colorful and competitive capture-the-flag-like event. I must admit I went a little crazy on the pictures for the event. It was a target-rich environment out there in the field. After about an hour or so of that, the guys headed up the hill for a well-deserved popsicle and water. The boys will sleep well this evening. Don’t be surprised to see a little of that paint still around tomorrow :).

Have a great night,

-Don Gentle

Today’s Pictures