Terms and Conditions

Please read through our registration policies as well.

In addition to the registration policies, please look over all of these terms and conditions before you register to make sure that Camp High Rocks is the best fit for your child.

Camp High Rocks is a rustic camp situated in a beautiful mountain setting. The terrain at camp is hilly and rugged. Campers wishing to attend must be able to manage themselves in the camp setting away from electronics and other residential comforts with basic self-help skills including but not limited to showering, brushing their teeth, managing their eating, managing the contents of their trunk, reporting not feeling well or injuries such as cuts and insect bites, changing clothes, applying sunscreen and bug spray. There will be occasions when your child will not be directly supervised; such as walking to and from activities, playing in certain camp games, free choice times, and other times during the day.

Our areas of expertise do not extend to handling or management of behavioral or psychological issues or certain medical conditions such as diabetes, epilepsy, and certain severe allergies. Camp High Rocks reserves the right to deny enrollment based on the services provided to meet the needs of the child.

Acknowledgement of Risks

See the risks by clicking on the link below.

Arrivals and Departures

Campers will have an assigned time on opening between 9:00 AM and 12:00 PM. Campers are involved in activities after lunch on opening day, so please plan to arrive in your assigned time window. On closing day, we require all campers to be picked up no later than 11:30 AM. We cannot accommodate campers before opening day or after the closing day of a session. Campers arriving by airplane will be met on opening day and transported on closing day to Asheville, NC (AVL) or Greenville/Spartanburg, SC (GSP) airports. Departure times need to be before 1:00 PM on closing day. Any additional airport trips other than opening and closing days will incur a fee of at least $75. Make your air reservations early and ask about unaccompanied minor policies and charges for all campers under the age of 15. More detailed information concerning transportation and baggage is available on our website and will be included with the Parent Dashboard and forms information released in February.

Health And Medical Information

High Rocks does not carry health or accident insurance on individual campers. The services of our resident Registered Nurse and of the camp health center are included in the fee. Apart from the above services, Camp High Rocks does not assume responsibility for medical or dental costs incurred by a camper. Any medical bills incurred by a camper for treatment of illness or accident will be forwarded to his parents for payment. A current, completed camp health form and insurance information are required for all campers. Forms will be available on our Parent Dashboard in February. The physical form will also need to be filled out by your son’s physician, including immunization records.


Our camp policy is to perform head checks for lice on each camper on the day they arrive. If a camper is identified as having head lice, we arrange for professional treatment on the afternoon of Opening Day. Parents will be responsible for the cost of the treatment. The cost is $250.00 and treatment is very effective allowing campers to jump right into the camp program. If you think your camper may have contracted lice or you just want to make sure, it would be a good idea to obtain a head check for lice before coming to camp at a treatment center or your local doctor.

Cabin Placement Policy

You and your requested cabin mate must request each other. You should be approximately the same age and in the same grade. We will carefully consider mutual requests but cannot promise to place you as requested. Part of the camp experience involves making new friends from different places. We try to arrange cabins so that no more than two campers from the same area live in the same cabin.

Camper Store Account

The camp fee is all-inclusive, including all camping trips, daily horseback riding, supply of crafts material, riflery and archery supplies, and professional laundry service. We ask that each camper have a store account for personal expenditures that may include stamps, batteries, camp T-shirts, lost toothbrushes, etc. Campers should have $125.00 on account for all sessions. This will be included in the final bill due April 1st. We will keep a ledger of his account and return any unused balance after closing day.

Mail and Phone

All mail should be sent to PO Box 210, Cedar Mountain, NC 28718. Please include your camper’s name on the envelope. You may call us anytime at 828-885-2153; our office is open each day from 9 AM until 5 PM. Please leave a message if we are not available. We will return your call as soon as possible. We do not allow direct calls to campers and campers are not allowed to call home. We enjoy speaking with you to ensure that your son has a positive and successful experience at High Rocks. We have found that parental calls interfere with your son’s activity schedule and his adjustment to camp life. We encourage parents to communicate through letters, emails, or faxes. Campers can only mail letters in return.

No Packages Please

Camp High Rocks has a no-package policy. Any packages received will be returned or held until the end of the session. Please inform family members and friends of this policy. If your son forgets to pack something, you may send these items to Camp High Rocks c/o Darby Dame. Please email office@highrocks.com to let Darby know.


The biggest result of attending High Rocks is self-reliance, independence, and self-confidence. Visits from family and friends interfere with this outcome, including that of your son and other campers who see parents visiting. For this reason, we do not allow visits during the camp session. We encourage parents to come on closing day to see the facility and meet with their son, his counselor, the directors, and all his activity staff.

What To Bring

High Rocks does not have a camp uniform. We recommend plain, durable clothes that are washable. There is a complete list of what your camper needs to have at camp on our website under the “Parent Information” section if you want to get an early start. We will send you an updated link in early spring.

What NOT To Bring

Campers should not bring any food, knives, weapons, animals, water guns, balloons, aerosol or spray cans, cameras, matches, or lighters. High Rocks campus is “unplugged.” Campers are not allowed to bring electronics of any kind including computers, cell phones, iPods, Kindles, games, cameras, radios, or any other device. Tobacco and nicotine products, vaping paraphernalia, alcohol, drugs (including cannabis), or drug paraphernalia possession or use are grounds for dismissal from camp.

Trunks and Luggage

Trunks and luggage may be shipped by UPS and FedEx directly to camp. Be sure to have it arrive at least one week before opening day to assure timely delivery. Please use our shipping address:
Camp High Rocks
1234 High Rocks Rd.
Brevard, NC 28712.

Outbound trunks from Camp High Rocks need to be arranged through our local UPS Store. We will deliver your trunk to the store. They will package and ship your trunk accordingly. We are not set up to save boxes, packaging, or box-up trunks for another company or organization. A form will be live in the spring to fill out through UPS. You can find it here.

The UPS Store | Brevard, 102 College Station Dr. Ste 3, Brevard, NC 28712
Phone: (828) 883-4701, Fax: (828) 883-4801
Email: store3439@theupsstore.com