Welcome Junior Campers!

I hope the drop-off was a smooth for you as it was for us! It was great to meet all of you this morning! We hope this is the first stop on a long adventure with High Rocks!

What an awesome group of young men! They are so excited to be here! We headed into the morning with some tours around camp, a few process items again, then they were able to have about three hours of activities after lunch followed by some free time for just plain fun! The boys will be able to try many activities in the early part of this week with some choice opportunities later in the week to go back to their favorites.

I spent some time watching the boys down at canoeing this afternoon. One of my favorite events at the beginning of the session is the basic lake test.  A simple set of skills that we require for the boys to get boys out in canoes on the lake.  We teach the boys how to size up a life jacket, learn a little bit about the boat and equipment, then you need to know what to do when your boat tips over.  Guess what?  We tip our boats over!  Of course, there is some nervousness and a little anxiousness, but once they do it, they realize how much fun it is to do! Always fun to witness!

Below tonight’s blog is the link to the High Rocks Gallery. You will notice that our website and picture gallery is very user-friendly on almost any device, including mobile and tablet devices.  This gallery is password protected. I sent out an automated email today with details for your login.  Please let me know if you need help getting into the gallery. Send me an email if you need help tonight. I will be on until 10 pm.

It may make sense to save the link and log in to your browser for quick access. I will try my best to get the blog up by 9:30 pm each night, but sometimes camp does get in the way, or our rural internet has been quite slow (or even slower). Don’t fret!  We will get you the pictures as soon as we can! We are likely to push up some pictures throughout the day, but they will continue to go up until the blog is live.  Once the blog is up, it typically means that pictures are up for the day.

Don’t forget to follow us on social media.  We will make it worth your while by putting up a couple of extra pictures and a special video from time to time during the day.  Facebook:  Camp High Rocks, and on Instagram: #camphighrocks. Feel free to throw up some of these great pictures to share on your feed.  We like making High Rocks look good!

Today’s Menu:

Lunch: Chicken fingers, kettle chips, pineapple, pasta salad, tossed salad.

Dinner: pasta with or without meat sauce, marinara, alfredo, and/or pesto. All scratch-made! Corn, steamed brocolli, warm yeast rolls, tossed salad, and scratch-made chocolate chip cookies!

It is an honor and a privilege to host your son here at High Rocks.  We will do our best to give him the best possible experience summer camp has to offer. If you ever need anything, please reach out.  It is going to be an amazing week!

-Don Gentle

Today’s Pictures 

If you need some gallery help beyond login problems, Check out our Gallery Help Page. A great way to see all of the features for desktop, tablet, and phone!