Tie-Dye Tuesday


Tie-Dye Tuesday The first morning at camp began, for most, a bit earlier than the 7:45 wakeup bell. As soon as the sun crests the horizon and the birds start their chatter, so too do our excited young guys waking up in a new environment for the first time. The cool breeze blowing in off… Continue reading Tie-Dye Tuesday

Tie-Dye Tuesday


Tie-Dye Tuesday While we commiserate with our coastal brethren as Tropical Storm Debby cruises up the east coast, here in the mountains that meant today was cool, cloudy, and with a wonderful breeze all day. Camp was feeling it too as the bell rang and the day began its typical hustle and bustle. Not long… Continue reading Tie-Dye Tuesday

End of a Good Week


End of a Good Week As we cruise into the weekend of the session, the sounds of camp in full swing have normalized delightfully into the daily cacophony of fun that we associate with the place. There is a steady hum of noise and energy about camp that just feels right! At the end of… Continue reading End of a Good Week

Full Steam Ahead


Full Steam Ahead Today dawned cool with a light breeze coming across the lake to welcome camp to the day. The kind of morning that makes guys snuggle deeper in their blankets and squeeze an extra minute or two before emerging… But this is the 2 Week and when that morning bell rang, more than… Continue reading Full Steam Ahead

Savor the Moment


Savor the Moment In what has become a common trend towards the latter part of this session, the morning began cool with some clouds in the sky. A light breeze was blowing that made that second blanket on the bunks seem very appealing! The bell rang, chores commenced, and hordes arrived for a breakfast of… Continue reading Savor the Moment

Fridays are the Best


Fridays are the Best It is pretty universal that Fridays are going to be a good day. Fridays at camp, however, are a step up in that you have a whole day of activities and trips, you are surrounded by people you know well, and you are heading into the weekend where the schedule changes… Continue reading Fridays are the Best

Tie-Dye Tuesday

Tie-Dye Tuesday Today started with a cool dawn over camp, dry and sunny like so many days before. The wakeup bell cranked out its 7:45 call and man was it answered by all of our Mini II guys now in residence! The excitement of the first full day of camp was obvious from a distance… Continue reading Tie-Dye Tuesday

Fridays at Camp


Fridays at Camp It seemed like the end of the second week came fast. All of a sudden the week was closing out with a beautiful morning, bits of fog rolling across the lake. Sunny skies were already awakening camp by the time the morning bell rang out. There were several people helping with the… Continue reading Fridays at Camp

Tuesdays are Tuff


Tuesdays are Tuff Today was a warm start to the day. Sun shining brightly and just a light breeze to move the few clouds overhead. Like clockwork, the bell tolled out at 7:45 to announce the official start to the day. With this second week cranking though, plenty of folks were already on the move… Continue reading Tuesdays are Tuff

End of the Work Week


End of the Work Week As always in camp life, each day seems an epic adventure while a week goes by in the blink of an eye. Here we are wrapping up the first “work” week of the session and it seemed to catch everyone a bit by surprise! Our morning was a warm one,… Continue reading End of the Work Week

The Adventure Begins


The Adventure Begins This morning was a treat, not only hearing the first wake-up bell of the session ring, but also just how cool the day broke over camp. In July, the advantage of living on top of a mountain becomes clear as the temps were in the upper 50s and it took a bit… Continue reading The Adventure Begins

Tuff Tuesday


Tuff Tuesday In what has almost become a foregone conclusion, today was another beautiful, high pressure day in the mountains. I literally have new members of camp asking if it ever rains here, and looking at me skeptically when I say it does! While the plants may be parched, it does make for some very… Continue reading Tuff Tuesday